

Something which has existed since the beginning. that we have seen with our own eyes,  that we have watched and touched with our hands: the Word, who is life, this is our subject. That life was made visible: we saw it and we are giving our testimony, telling you of the eternal life which was with the Father  and has been made visible to us. What we have seen and heard we are telling you so that you too may be in union with us,  as we are in union with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. We are writing this to you to make  our joy complete. Textes liturgiques Readings Saint John the Beloved


Stephen was filled with grace and power and began to work miracles and great signs among the people.  But then certain people came forward to debate with Stephen, some from Cyrene and Alexandra who were members of the synagogue called the Synagogue of Freedmen and others from Cilicia and Asia.  They found they could not get the better of him because of his wisdom, and because it was the Spirit that prompted what he said.  They were infuriated when they heard this and ground their teeth at him.... Textes liturgiques Mass Readings Psalm 86


God's grace has been revealed, and it has made salvation possible for the whole human race and taught us that what we have to do is to give up everything that does not lead to God, and all our worldly ambitions; we must be self-restrained and live good and religious lives here in this present world, while we are waiting in hope for the blessing which will come with the appearing of the glory of our great God and saviour Christ Jesus.  He sacrificed himself for us in order to set us free from all wickedness and to purify all people so that it could be his very own and would have no ambition except to do good. Sing a new song to the Lord Textes liturgiques Mass Readings Free Images of Nativity Heavenly Father thank you for sending Jesus Christ to save humanity. Thank you Father for fulfilling your promise of salvation of human race. Thank you Father for your abundance grace, love and mercy. Thank you Jesus for setting us free from all wickedness, an...


The Lord God says this: Look, I am going to send my messenger to prepare a way before me. And the Lord you are seeking will suddenly enter his Temple; and the angel of the covenant whom you are longing for, yes, he is coming, says the Lord of Hosts. Who will be able to resist the day of his coming? Who will remain standing when he appears? For his is like the refiner's fire........ Texte Liturgique  Readings My God Accept my Heart this Day Heavenly Father, I thank you for your promise of redemption. Thank you Father for your love, thank you for your Son Jesus Christ Emmanuel. God is with us.  Come Lord Jesus Maranatha.


'Listen now, House of David: are you not satisfied with trying the patience of men without trying the patience of my God, too? The Lord himself, therefore, will give you a sign. It is this: the maiden is with child and will soon give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel, a name with means "God-is-with-us." Readings at Mass Textes liturgiques Come to me my Beloved Heavenly Father, how often have I tried your patience  by my lack of faith and unbelief that you Father are ever near me in all my challenges in life. I am truly sorry for my lack of faith, help me Lord.  Thank you for your Son Immanuel.


I hear my Beloved. See how he comes leaping on the mountains, bounding over the hills. My Beloved is like a gazelle, like a young stag. See where he stands behind our wall. He looks in at the window, he peers through the lattice. Mass Readings Meditation  It's a long road to freedom Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. This season of Advent as I await your coming. I hear you voice calling, beckoning me to come for you came into the world because you love me so much. As I approach your Holy Altar at Mass your word or encouragement I hear 'Come then, my love' Thank you Lord Jesus.


The Lord spoke to Ahaz and said, 'Ask the Lord your God for a sign for yourself coming either from the depths of sheol or from above.' 'No' Ahaz answered 'I will not put the Lord to the test.' Then Isaiah said: 'Listen now, House of David: are you not satisfied with trying the patience of men without trying the patience of my God, too? The Lord himself, therefore, will give you a sign. Itis this: the maiden is with child and will soon give birth to a son whom she will call immanuel, a name which means "God is with us." Textes liturgiques Mass Readings Hail Thou Star of Ocean Heavenly Father, there is nothing impossible for you. From creation you have loved humanity, your plan to save humanity from self-destruction and the universe based on man's action you sent your Son born of women, whom the prophesy foretold long ago was fulfilled. Thank you for your Son a promise that you will remain with us.  Till date your love n...