17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR C Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you WE ARE ALL BEGGARS Do not look down on the man or woman by the road side or at your place of worship who ask you for alms. Do you not know that we are no better that man or woman we consider as a beggar? Someone ask you for help, assistance, because you are privileged, you consider yourself better than that man or woman who need your assistance. You have forgotten that you too had begged to be given the privilege position you are in. Why then do you feel that you are better than the one who asked for your help? Are you better than that man or woman? No. you are not better than him or her, think, if someone ask for your help, say within you. I too I am a beggar, so I must not hesitate to assist for it is within my power to do so. Do not consider yourself better than anyone you think is ...