18TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor decay can destroy. IF I WERE JESUS The earthly Jesus in every human: I will be very proud knowing that my I came from my heavenly kingdom. I will be arrogant knowing that my Father God is the Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent. I will use my power and flaunt it for all to know that I am the Son of God. I will choose those who love me and reward them because they Love and flatter me. I will perform miracles and make sure that I receive praises. I will appear and disappear to show how powerful I am. I will in the wilderness, do what I was tempted to do Whenever I want to heal, deliver and perform any miracles I will make it public to receive men’s approval I will amass wealth and flaunt it for all to see. The bread that is my body in the Eucharist, I will make sure that all see my really flesh, The wine that I that is my blood during the instit...