Rejoice for day of the Lord is near. The third sunday of advent the third candle pink is lit by a couple signifying the family. In the Catholic Liturgical Calendar, The celebrating Priest may wear pink vestment, the Altar maybe dressed in pink color. It will be wonderful to redirect our lives, be more spiritual, get connected to our source God. By so doing we create a better world. The symbols, objects, colours etc are part of our creative minds. The Bible is the best companion, in the Bible all subjects, are treated it is the best companion. The readings are more comforting, hope restored, the weak strengthened. Hear my prayer, O God ; don’t turn away from my plea! Listen to me and answer me. Prayer Make us walk this day in holiness, and live upright lives in this world. Sanctify us in mind and body, keep us without sin until the coming of your Son May we be clothed in our Lord Jesus Christ, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. ...