21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NO IS NOT REJECTION Dearest child you asked someone for assistance, and favour and you are rejected. Some people who promised to help you may avoid you, some may laugh at you others may judge you, it could be outright rejection. Don’t you know dearest child of God that whoever that says no to you saw something great in you that you could not see. Dearest child you do not know your worth, for if you do, you will be grateful to that man or woman who rejects you by saying no to you. Must you settle for second best? Your Heavenly Father sees your worth, That is the reason for your being rejected. Dearest child, the favour you ask for from men; is it what you really desire? Or you need a soft landing? Your Father God, know you through and through. Be patient, be calm, while waiting on Him. It won’t be long. For us human, while we wait, it seems very long.