
Showing posts with the label misunderstood


EASTER We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we to might live in newness of life. Rom. 6:4 When you are betrayed how do  you feel? When people whom you love betray you how do you feel? When friends and your loved ones abandon you how do you feel? When you are hated for doing good how do you feel? When you are wrongly accused how do you feel? When you are lonely and needed some comfort but left all by yourself, how do you feel? When you are mocked at by those you helped, how do you feel? When you are misunderstood how do you feel? etc Christ suffered it all yet he loved us so much, he did good while on the way to Calvary, He forgave, he prayed and gave it all for you and I. SONGS HAIL THOUS STAR OF OCEAN LIKE THE DEAR COME TO ME MY BELOVED Thanking God for sending Christ to redeem us.  The love of God for mankind compelled him to send His only begotten Son J...