THE LORD'S BAPTISM Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am pleased, upon whom I have put my spirit; he shall bring forth justice to the nations. Isaiah 42:1 Recently we celebrated the visitation of the three wise men from the east to Jesus Christ, the new born king ( EPIPHANY ). The fulfillment of the prophecy by the prophets. Today we are celebrating the baptism of Our Lord. In his baptism God the Father affirmed that Christ is his Son, and the Holy Spirit confirmed God's declaration by descending on HIM as a dove. Anyone who encounters Christ does not remain the same. This we saw beginning with Elizabeth when Mary paid her a visit after the annunciation by the angel, the shepherds, the three wise men, his ministry, his death, his resurrection, our present world. Jesus yesterday, Jesus today, Jesus forever. His kingdom is everlasting. The Catholic liturgical calendar for the year of Mercy is Year...