
Showing posts with the label joy


  DEDICATION OF THE BASILICA OF ST. JOHN LATERAN The dedication of the first Basilica. The readings for 9th Nov. 2015 are: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-8, and 12 (The Temple, the River that gives life, and the Trees that preserves life) Psalm 46:4 (There is a river that brings joy to the city of God to the Sacred House of the Most High) John 2:13-22 (The Temple, Christ's body the Temple) Purifying the  spiritual Temple and the structural Temple. Dedication of the Basilica We too as member of Christ's body are God's Temple.  God in His Holy Temple, and we God's people as Christ's body the Church.  God's Temple is holy, we God's people are called to be holy like Christ.  If we are, we will have a better world. A world of sacrifice, purity of heart, consideration for one another; brings joy,  peace, harmony and unity. Nov 10 Memorial of St. Leo the Great He was the 8th Pope and a doctor of the Church. Nov. 11 St. Martin of Tour...