They sow the wind, they will reap the whirlwind; their wheat will yield no ear, the ear will yield no flour, or, if it does, foreigners will swallow it. Mass Readings Ephraim has built altar after altar, they have only served him as occasion for sin. Were I to write out the thousand precepts of my Law for him, they would be paid no more attention than those of a stranger. They love sacrificing; right, let them sacrifice! The love meat; right, let them eat it! The Lord takes no pleasure in these. He is now going to remember their iniquity and punish their sins; they will have to go back to Egypt. Heavenly Father, have mercy on me. Do not be angry, forgive me for not trusting your love for me. Relent, do to punish me for my sins. Going back to Egypt is slavery, deliver me. Guide me on my journey toward eternity. Jesus Christ my Lord come to my help. H.G. Caryll Houselander: When Christ became man, he uplifted man's nature together with all it...