Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where
neither moth nor decay can destroy.
I will be
very proud knowing that my I came from my heavenly kingdom.
I will be
arrogant knowing that my Father God is the Omnipotent, Omniscience and
I will
choose those who love me and reward them because they Love and flatter me.
I will
perform miracles and make sure that I receive praises.
I will
appear and disappear to show how powerful I am.
I will in
the wilderness, do what I was tempted to do
Whenever I
want to heal, deliver and perform any miracles
I will make
it public to receive men’s approval
I will
amass wealth and flaunt it for all to see.
The bread
that is my body in the Eucharist,
I will make
sure that all see my really flesh,
The wine
that I that is my blood during the institution of the Lord’s super,
I will make
sure it is really blood for all to see.
Above all,
on the cross at my crucifixion as I am asked to come down
from the
cross so that the world will believe that I am truly the Son of God
I will
surely show them that t is within my power do so that I can.
There are
many challenges and audacity for me to prove that I am the Son of God,
that I will
not hesitate to prove my identity as the Son of the Most High God.
Trying to
claim equality with my heavenly Father, not being humble to
accepting a shameful death.
Thank you
Lord Jesus for you never did what you were challenged to do.
that truly you are the Son of God most High.
Unlike Lucifer who
equality with God and was jealous of you, as such he rebelled.
between you
and Lucifer. You were obedient even unto Death.
A price
paid for our redemption, and freedom from slavery.
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