Someone ask you for help, assistance, because you are
privileged, you consider yourself better than that man or woman who need your
assistance. You have forgotten that you
too had begged to be given the privilege position you are in. Why then do you feel that you are better than the
one who asked for your help? Are you
better than that man or woman?
I see you and I remember your beautiful smile.
I remember your words of encouragement and prayers. I remember your
understanding of the scripture dearest brother.
Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you
Do not look down on the man or woman by the road side
or at your place of worship who ask you for alms.
Do you not know that we are no better that man or
woman we consider as a beggar?

No. you are not better than him or her, think, if
someone ask for your help, say within you.
I too I am a beggar, so I must not hesitate to assist for it is within my
power to do so.
Do not consider yourself better than anyone you think
is underprivileged as a beggar. No one ever achieve anything in life without the
assistance of another, and above all favor from God whom we all look up to for
our sustenance, hope, dreams and aspirations.
God’s gift to some is manifold so that they too can
act like HIM by giving to those whom HE has placed on our way. Those you meet, those who come to you for
help. If you do not give to the one Who asked you for help knowing it is within your
ability, power and capacity, then you are holding on to something that belong
to the one whom you refuse to assist, or whom you consider as a beggar.
Be human, have a heart of flesh, a heart full of love,
a heart full of compassion, a heart full of sympathy a heart full of
understanding, a humble heart, and the heart full of MERCY. THE HEART OF CHRIST.
Who is a
Dearest brother,

I have you staring at me, smiling with me, the
beautiful buttons on your cheeks that we call dimples. I remember you as one who always have beautiful
word to say.
Dearest brother, as I write this little note to
you in your memory, I feel you standing beside me looking at the beautiful
words I made for you.
Dearest brother.
for Francis Isioma
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