

The Presidents and satraps came along in a body and found Daniel praying and pleading with God. They then came to the king and said, 'Have you not just signed an edict forbidding any man for the next thirty days to pray to anyone, god or man, other than to yourself O king, on pain of being thrown into lions' den?'  The decision stands, 'the king replied 'as it befits the law of the Medes and the Persians, which cannot be revoked.'  Mass Readings Then they said to the king. 'O king, this man Daniel, one of the exiles from Judah, disregards both you and the edict which you have signed: he is at his prayers three times each day. 'when the king heard these words he was deeply distressed, and determined to save Daniel; he racked his brain until sunset to find some way out. But the men came back in a body to the king and said, 'O king, remember that in conformity with the law of the Medes and Persians, no edict or decree can be altered when once issu...


Jesus said to his Disciples: 'Men will seize you and persecute you; they will hand you over to the synagogues and to imprison- ment, and bring you before kings and governors because of my name, and that will be your opportunity to bear witness. Keep this carefully in mind: you are not to prepare your defence, because I myself shall give you an eloquence and wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reist or contradict. You will be hated by all men on account of my name, but not a hair of  head will be lost. Your endurance will win you your lives.  Textes liturgiques Mass Readings     Heavenly Father, I thank you for giving me the gift of my life.  Lord Jesus Christ you said you will give me an eloquence and wisdom in all my challenges in life if I follow You.  I am happy for the assurance you gave than not a hair of my head will be lost. Direct me and help me see your goodness and mercy in all my challenges that I m...


When some were talking about the Temple, remarking how it was adorned with fine stonework and votive offerings, Jesus said, 'All these things you are staring at now, the time will come when not a single stone will be left on another: everything will be destroyed.' And they put to him this question. 'Master, 'they said ' when will this happen, then and what sign will there be that this is about to take place?' Readings Textes Liturgiques Psaume


As Jesus looked up, he saw rich people putting their offerings into the treasury; then he happened to notice a poverty-strictly widow putting in two small coins, and he said, 'I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than any of them; for these have all contributed money they had over, but she from the little she had put in all she had to live on.' Readings Texte liturgiques The Year Gone Beyond Recall My Father in heaven, you know me through and through. You search my heart. You know everything about me. Help me to offer my life to You, for if my life is placed in Your hands, You will direct my steps. As we approach the end of the year, be with me.


Naturally stupid are all men who have not known God and who, from the good things are seen, have not been able to discover Him-who-is, or by studying the works. have failed to recognise the Artificer Fire however, or wind, or the swift air, the sphere of the stars, impetuous water, heaven's lamps, are what they have held to be the gods who govern the world. Textes Readings Psalm 19 . Heavenly Father, you are the Alpha and Omega, You created all things to your pleasure. You created man and gave him dominion over all things.  Give me the wisdom, and  knowledge to appreciate all things created by You. May all creatures worship You. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!


In Wisdom is a spirit intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, agile, clear, unstained, certain, not boastful, loving the good, keen, unhampered, beneficent, kindly, firm, secure, tranquil, all-powerful, all-seeing and pervading all spirits, though they be intelligent, pure and very subtle. For Wisdom is mobile beyond all motion, and she penetrates all things by reason of her purity. Readings Textes Heavenly Father, give me Wisdom that my ways may be blameless, that I may be humble, kind, intelligent, and pure in heart.  Your Wisdom is beyond all motion, and penetrates all things. Beautiful Saviour


Love virtue, you who are judges on earth, let honesty prompt your thinking about the Lord, seek him in simplicity of heart; since he is to be found by those who do not put him to the test, he shows himself to those who do not distrust him. But selfish intentions divorce from God; and Omnipotence, put to the test, confounds the foolish. No, Wisdom will never make its way into a crafty soul nor stay in a bod that is in debt to sin; the holy spirit of instructions shuns deceit, it stands aloof from reckless purposes, is taken aback when iniquity appears.  Readings Textes liturgiques The year is gone beyond recall Loving Father, judge of the earth,  reveal yourself to me. Give me simplicity of heart. Father I trust in your unconditional love for me.  You are OMNIPOTENCE, guide me grand me Wisdom that I may seek You in earnest.  You alone are LORD, the OMNIPOTENCE, OMNIPRESENCE, OMNISCIENCE.