Mass Readings
Then they said to the king. 'O king, this man Daniel, one of the exiles from Judah, disregards both you and the edict which you have signed: he is at his prayers three times each day. 'when the king heard these words he was deeply distressed, and determined to save Daniel; he racked his brain until sunset to find some way out.
But the men came back in a body to the king and said, 'O king, remember that in conformity with the law of the Medes and Persians, no edict or decree can be altered when once issued by the king.'
Textes liturgiques
My prayer Psalm 27
Heavenly Father, You have dominion over all creation. You alone is Supreme, none will share your glory with You. Your Sovereignty is for all eternity. I come before You, for I know You alone can meet my every needs. Be my protector, shield and guide. Defend me from my enemies.
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