

SAINT PATRICK When you cannot go on with the burden and challenges of life let this be a reflection, and call for repentence. We must pay for all our actions or those of other people.   Let this passage be your reflection.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Deuteronomy 32                                                                 The Song of Moses Earth and sky hear my words, listen closely to what I say. My teachings will fall like drops of rain, and form on the earth like dew. My words will fall like showers on young plants, like gentle rain on young plants. I will praise the name of the Lord and his people will tell of his greatness. The Lord is your mighty defender, perfect and just in all his ways. Your God is faithful and true he does what is right and fair. But you


FIFTH WEEK OF LENT ‘‘Come now, let us reason together,’’ says the LORD.   ‘‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool’’. Isaiah 1:18 ‘’Venez et discutons,’’ dit le   SEIGNEUR.   ‘’Si vos péchés sont comme l’écarlate, ils deviendront blancs comme la neige ; s’ils sont rouges comme le vermillon, ils deviendront comme de la laine’’.   Ésaïe 1 :18 ‘’I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remember your sins no more.’’   Isaiah 43 :25 Moi, cependant, moi je suis tel que j’efface, par égard pour moi, tes révoltes, que je ne garde pas tes fautes en mémoire.   Ésaïe 43 :25   Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts.   Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.   Isaiah 55:7 Que le méchant   abandonne son chemin, et l’homme malfaisant, ses pensées.   Qu’il retourne vers le SEIN


            PRIЀRE              PSAUME 24                                         Au SEIGNEUR, la terre et ses richesses le monde et ses habitants C’est lui qui l’a fondée sur les mers et la tient stable sur les flots. Qui gravira la montagne du SEIGNEUR ? Qui se tiendra dans son saint lieu ? L’homme aux mains innocents et du cÅ“ur pur, qui ne tend pas vers le mal et ne jure pas pour tromper. Il obtient du SEIGNEUR la bénédiction, et de son Dieu sauveur la justice. Telle est la race de ceux qui le cherchent, qui recherchent ta face : c’est Jacob ! Portes, levez la tête ! elevez-vous, portails antiques ! Qu’il entre le roi de gloire ! Qui est le roi de gloire ? Le SEIGNEUR, vaillant a la guerre. Porte, levez la tête ! levez-la, portails antiques ! qu’il entre, ce roi de gloire ? Qui est-il, ce roi de gloire Le SEIGNEUR, le tout-puissant, c’est lui le roi de gloire.                                       


LENT WEEK FOUR                                                                                           PRAYER  O Lord, hear my voice when I call; have mercy and answer me. Of you my heart has spoken, ‘’Seek his face.’’ It is your face, O Lord, that I seek; hide not your face from me. Dismiss not your servant in anger, you have been my help. Today's Gospel on the Prodigal Son: Luke 15:1-3,11-32 God's forgiveness and Mercy. We see the Mercy of God  our heavenly Father who is ever ready to receive us when we come back   to HIM.