

Breath on me, O Lamb of God. Anoint Your servant, Lord. Fill me with Your strength and power. Bound by love's strong cord. Arm me with the shield of faith to do Thy Holy Will, and when the waves crash overhead, let me be faithful still. Shine forth the beacon of Your love till shore lights I can see! Then lead me on those who wait from sin to be set free. Let me tell them of Your love. Though satan come against me; The war's not mine, but Yours, dear God. May I draw courage from Thee! Lead me on, O Gentle Saviour. Shine through the darkest night! Go with me as I enter battle, that I might win the fight! by Denise A. DeWald Liturgical Readings for today


Is there anyone, even the wisest, who could ever be of use to God? Does your doing right benefit God, or does your being good help him at all? Job 22:1 CALMNESS No matter how insignificant the thing you have to do, do it as well as you can. give it as much of your care and attention as you could give to things you regard as most important For it will be by those small things that you shall be judged.   Mahatma Gandhi Readings for today


 pray without ceasing 1 Thess. 5:17 O Lord, I love these peaceful hours that come to us each morn. When all the world is hushed and still, my faith anew is born. For it is in the quiet times my thoughts will turn to You in thankfulness and praise for all The special things You do. Throughout the day I tend to get wrapped in a cloak of care caught up in worries, filled with doubts- forgetting You are there. Oh, would that I would set aside a “prayer break” everyday to lift my spirits, for I know You’re just a prayer away. I vow to set aside each night a special time with You, but when the pillow meets my head, I bid the world adieu.
The Open Door There is a door that opens wide, inviting you to enter; This door is opportunity and life is at its centre. Broaden your mind’s horizon, exchange the ‘no’ for ‘yes’ This open door of adventure will lead to new success. Behold, the open door of love, of friendly brotherhood; He who opens up these doors will build a world of good. These doors all open outward, and you may enter free. If you but have the vision for opportunity.   By Margaret Freer
PERFECT LIFE CREDO Fill your mind with everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that is good and pure, everything that we love and honour, and everything that can be thought virtuous or worthy of praise. Keep doing all things that you learnt. and have been taught and have heard and seen. Then the God of peace will be with you                                       Philippians 4:8-9


We can't always have sunshine As down life's path we go; We also need life's storm clouds to bring the rainbow's glow. And we can't take for granted God's blessings from above, but we can always count on His mercy and His love. With faith and trust we'll conquer each challenge that we meet. Our hearts anticipating each new day that we greet.                                Catherine Janssen Irwin


Be wise not to weary yourself out trying to get rich. Your money can be gone in a flash, as if it had grown wings and  flown away like an eagle. Prov. 23:4