pray without ceasing 1 Thess. 5:17
O Lord, I
love these peaceful hours
that come
to us each morn.
When all
the world is hushed and still,
my faith
anew is born.
For it is
in the quiet times
my thoughts
will turn to You
in thankfulness
and praise for all
The special
things You do.
Throughout the
day I tend to get
wrapped in
a cloak of care
caught up
in worries, filled with doubts-
forgetting You
are there.
Oh, would
that I would set aside
a “prayer
break” everyday
to lift my
spirits, for I know
You’re just
a prayer away.
I vow to
set aside each night
a special
time with You,
but when
the pillow meets my head,
I bid the
world adieu.
So, once
again, I call on You,
The first
thing every morn,
to offer
thanks for yesterday
and as this
new day’s born.
Remind me,
Lord, to take a break
And spend
some time in prayer,
For you’re
the best friend I shall know,
And always,
ever there. Sandra T. Lytle
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