

DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU (Virgin Mary's Instruction to the servants at the wedding feast at Cana) As Jesus was speaking, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said, ‘Happy the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked!’  But he replied, ‘Still happier those who hear the word of God and keep it !’ Luke 11:27-28 Hail Thou Star of Ocean


UNCLEAN SPIRITS Heavenly Father fill us with your Holy Spirit to dispel the darkness in our lives   psalm 51 Luke 11:15-26 When Jesus had cast out a devil, some of the people said, ‘It is through Beelzebul, the prince of devils, that he casts out devils.’ Others asked him, as a test, for a sign from heaven; but, knowing what they were thinking, he said to them, ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin, and a household divided against itself collapses. So too with Satan: if he is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? – since you assert that it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils. Now if it is through Beelzebul that I cast out devils, through whom do your own experts cast them out? Let them be your judges then. But if it is through the finger of God that I cast out devils, then know that the kingdom of God has overtaken you. So long as a strong man fully armed guards his own palace, his goods are undisturbed; but when someone stronger


IS IT OK Is it ok if I don't join you in heaven just yet I want to sing your praise from here for now I want to spend my days in prayer before I join you there I want to be kind and loving and forgiving to my fellow man I want to be loyal and true to all the things you taught us to say and do I will do all I can I am a humble man I will be your disciple here but when the time is near please tell me whether I can join you in heaven and we can pray for mankind together forever   by I.P.