

WAITING ON THE LORD LORD in Psalm 123, it says: Lord, I look up to you, up to heaven where you rule. As a servant depends on her master, and as a maid on her mistress. So we will keep looking to you, O Lord our God. until you have mercy on us. Be merciful to us, LORD, be merciful.   We have been treated with so much contempt. We have been mocked too long by the rich, and scorned by proud oppressor. psaume 142


Lord Jesus, I am a Child I thank you for the love of my father and mother. They brought me into the world. Lord, there are many children who were not given the opportunity to live, To enjoy family life. I pray for babies who were aborted, whose destinies were denied. I pray for abandoned children, most especially babies who died in the cold. I pray for babies and children murdered by their mothers. I pray for babies and children murdered by their parents. Lord, I ask that if there are babies out there in the cold abandoned, that you send angels to them to save them and shelter them. I pray for babies and children killed during war and terrorist attacks. Lord, so many babies and children are helpless, they are in danger. I pray, Lord Jesus, that you protect all babies and children.


The God of our ancestors raised Jesus, though you had him killed by hanging him on a tree.   God exalted him at his right hand as leader and saviour to grant Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins. We are witnesses to these things, as is the Holy Spirit that God has given to those who obey him.    Acts 5:30-32 RESIST THE DEVIL HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU Ask the Lord to send you angels to attend to you After Christ temptation an angel was sent to minister to him At the garden of gethsemane, after praying an angel came to minister unto him Christ Jesus talked about his Father sending host of heavenly armies to fight for him If we wishes we can do same. This is to confirm the reality of angels, angels on assignments, ministering angels etc. Do not underestimate the power of our Supreme God. At the crucifixion and death of Christ Jesus, God’s power and greatness was revealed confirmed by the centurion who said truly this is the Son of God. ...