

The sceptre shall never depart from Judah, or the mace from between his legs, while tribute is brought to him, and he receives the people's homage.  Genesis 49:10 Your light will come, Jerusalem, the Lord will dawn on you in radiant beauty.   Behold the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up a righteous shoot of David; as king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the Land.  Jeremiah 23:5 We wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He will keep us firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.  God is faithful, and by him we were called to fellowship with his Son. 1 Cor. 1:7-9 Prayer Our Redeemer and Lord, by your birth as a man you freed us from the heavy yoke of the law, complete in us the works of your loving kindness. Fourth Sunday of Advent before Christmas.  We pray for peace in our world, love, consideration, respect, unity, and Go...


Rejoice for day of the Lord is near. The third sunday of advent the third candle pink is lit by a couple signifying the family. In the Catholic Liturgical Calendar, The celebrating Priest may  wear pink vestment, the Altar maybe dressed in pink color. It will be wonderful to redirect our lives, be more spiritual, get connected to our source God. By so doing we create a better world.  The symbols, objects, colours etc are part of our creative minds. The Bible is the best companion, in the Bible all subjects, are treated it is the best companion. The readings are more comforting, hope restored, the weak strengthened. Hear my prayer, O God ; don’t turn away from my plea! Listen to me and answer me. Prayer Make us walk this day in holiness, and live upright lives in this world. Sanctify us in mind and body, keep us without sin until the coming of your Son   May we be clothed in our Lord Jesus Christ, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. ...


PREPARATION AND EXPECTATION  Prayer # God of power and mercy, open our hearts in welcome. Remove the things that hinder us from receiving Christ with joy, so that we may share his wisdom and become one with him when he comes in glory, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.   God’s Mercy Be merciful to me, O God, because of your constant love. Because of your great mercy wipe away my sins! Wash away my all my evil and make me clean from my sin! Prayer Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Saviour of all, come swiftly and save us. Lord, by your coming into this world, free us from the sin of the world. You came from the Father, show us the paths that lead to him. `                                    You were conceived by the Holy Spirit, by your word renew the same Spirit in             ...


I NTRODUCTION The Catholic Altar is the interior beauty of the church.   It is the striking object you see when you enter the church.   What makes it so unique is the different liturgical colours used at various seasons in the liturgical calendar. In the liturgical calendar we have Advent, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time, and different Feasts.   During these events the Altar cloths and colours changes. The Priest's vestment is the same colour with the Altar's dressing during celebration of the Holy Mass. This book on the Catholic Altar and Liturgy shows various designs and colours.   The whole idea is to enable us appreciate this beauty attached to our religious services.   We have books on prayers, sacramental, sacred objects, etc.   About this sacred place of worship, we do not have any book on designs and pictures. The beauty of the Altar and the joy derived in entering the Catholic Church, is admired, it draws our attention to give rev...


21st The Presentation of the Virgin Mary - memorial 22nd Sunday the Solemnity of Christ the King - Feast  White is the Liturgical color. Sunday the 22nd November we celebrate the Kingship of Christ. The green color is used during the ordinary time of the year.  29th November, the last Sunday of the month will be first week of ADVENT. During Advent, the Liturgical Color will be purple.  However, ROSE or PINK color is used on the forth Sunday of Advent. 24th November  is the Memorial of Saint Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions. They were about 117 martyrs of Vietnam who suffered series of persecutions which lasted for over one hundred years. 96 of them were Vietnamese including Fr. Andrew Dung-Lac  The Idea of the Blog is on Altar Dressing