Reading Titus 1:1-9 Appoint elders of irreproachable character
From Paul, servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ to bring those whom God has chosen to faith and to the knowledge of the truth that leads to true religion; and to give them the hope of the eternal life that was promised so long ago by God. He does not lie and so, at the appointed time, he revealed his decision, and, by the command of God our saviour, I have been commissioned to proclaim it. To Titus, true child of mine in the faith that we share, wishing you grace and peace from God the Father and from Christ Jesus our saviour.
The reason I left you behind in Crete was for you to get everything organised there and appoint elders in every town, in the way that I told you: that is, each of them must be a man of irreproachable character; he must not have been married more than once, and his children must be believers and not uncontrollable or liable to be charged with disorderly conduct. Since, as president, he will be God’s representative, he must be irreproachable: never an arrogant or hot-tempered man, nor a heavy drinker or violent, nor out to make money; but a man who is hospitable and a friend of all that is good; sensible, moral, devout and self-controlled; and he must have a firm grasp of the unchanging message of the tradition, so that he can be counted on for both expounding the sound doctrine and refuting those who argue against it. Reading Meditation
Gospel Luke 17:1-6 If your brother does wrong, reprove him
Pray the Holy Rosary. Ave Maria. Hail Mary. Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph pray for us. Lord Jesus Christ I trust in you.
God our Father thank you for another week, the first Monday in November 2022. As we begin the week Father direct our steps, direct our actions. Increase our faith Lord. Give us victory over every mountain in our lives. Grant us your salvation.
We pray for all leaders. God our Father give us insight and wisdom in selection of those who will lead us. We pray for all leaders, and all who govern the affairs of our world. May they be like your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Father for the leaders whose actions and leadership have caused lives of your creatures, may your Holy Spirit touch their hearts. Give them compassionate hearts to love and cherish those under their leadership. We pray for departed souls that died in violence, tragedy, war, due to negligence of leaders, or bad decisions that caused destruction to lives. We pray for souls in purgatory. Grant them eternal live. Grant them peace O Lord through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lecture de la
lettre de saint Paul apôtre à Tite 1, 1-9
« Établis des Anciens
comme je te l’ai commandé moi-même »
Si je t’ai laissé en Crète, c’est pour que tu finisses de
tout organiser et que, dans chaque ville, tu établisses des Anciens comme je te
l’ai commandé moi-même. L’Ancien doit être quelqu’un qui soit sans reproche,
époux d’une seule femme, ayant des enfants qui soient croyants et ne soient pas
accusés d’inconduite ou indisciplinés. Il faut en effet que le responsable de
communauté soit sans reproche, puisqu’il est l’intendant de Dieu ; il ne doit
être ni arrogant, ni coléreux, ni buveur, ni brutal, ni avide de profits
malhonnêtes ; mais il doit être accueillant, ami du bien, raisonnable, juste,
saint, maître de lui. Il doit être attaché à la parole digne de foi, celle qui
est conforme à la doctrine, pour être capable d’exhorter en donnant un
enseignement solide, et aussi de réfuter les opposants.
Évangile Luc 17, 1-6 « Si sept fois par jour ton frère
revient à toi en disant :
“Je me repens”, tu lui pardonneras »
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