Prayer before Mass: Almighty and ever-living God, I approach the sacrament of Your only-begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. I come sick to the doctor of life, unclean to the fountain of mercy, blind to the radiance of eternal light, and poor and needy to the Lord of heaven and earth. Lord, in Your great generosity, heal my sickness, wash away my defilement, enlighten my blindness, enrich my poverty, and clothe my nakedness. May I receive the Bread of Angels, the King of kings and Lord of lords, with humble reverence, with the purity and faith, the repentance and love, and the determined purpose that will help to bring me to salvation. .
May I receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Body and Blood, and its reality and power. Kind God, may I receive the Body of Your only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, born from the womb of the Virgin Mary, and so be received into His mystical body and numbered among His members.
Loving Father, as on my earthly pilgrimage I now receive Your beloved Son under the veil of a sacrament, may I one day see Him face to face in glory, who lives and reigns with You forever. Amen. By Knights of the Holy Eucharist. Readings Lectures Reflection
First Reading
Abraham looked forward to a city founded and built by God
It was by faith that Abraham obeyed the call to set out for a country that was the inheritance given to him and his descendants, and that he set out without knowing where he was going. By faith he arrived, as a foreigner, in the Promised Land, and lived there as if in a strange country, with Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs with him of the same promise. They lived there in tents while he looked forward to a city founded, designed and built by God.
It was equally by faith that Sarah, in spite of being past the age, was made able to conceive, because she believed that he who had made the promise would be faithful to it. Because of this, there came from one man, and one who was already as good as dead himself, more descendants than could be counted, as many as the stars of heaven or the grains of sand on the seashore.
All these died in faith, before receiving any of the things that had been promised, but they saw them in the far distance and welcomed them, recognising that they were only strangers and nomads on earth. People who use such terms about themselves make it quite plain that they are in search of their real homeland. They can hardly have meant the country they came from, since they had the opportunity to go back to it; but in fact they were longing for a better homeland, their heavenly homeland. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God, since he has founded the city for them.
It was by faith that Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac. He offered to sacrifice his only son even though the promises had been made to him and he had been told: It is through Isaac that your name will be carried on. He was confident that God had the power even to raise the dead; and so, figuratively speaking, he was given back Isaac from the dead.
Responsorial Psalm
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! He has visited his people and redeemed them
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel! He has visited his people and redeemed them
Even wind and the sea obey him
With the coming of evening, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let us cross over to the other side.’ And leaving the crowd behind they took him, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him. Then it began to blow a gale and the waves were breaking into the boat so that it was almost swamped. But he was in the stern, his head on the cushion, asleep. They woke him and said to him, ‘Master, do you not care? We are going down!’ And he woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Quiet now! Be calm!’ And the wind dropped, and all was calm again. Then he said to them, ‘Why are you so frightened? How is it that you have no faith?’ They were filled with awe and said to one another, ‘Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey him.’
My Loving Father in heaven, it is so comforting to know that only faith can guarantee the blessings that I hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen. It was for faith that our ancestors were commended.
Father thank you for your saving grace through faith. My life is in your hand Father. Our father in faith Abraham is the example I must follow. Trusting in your mercy to deliver me from every storm in my life.
Lord Jesus Christ, your are Emmanuel, God is with me. Help me remember your word 'It is I, do not fear' whenever I am facing problems and life battle, spiritual and physical. May I never waiver. Help me remember the crossing of the red sea by Israelites how God led them through and delivered them.
My Father, my God in my life battle, in temptation, spiritual, physical forces beyond my understanding, may I always remember your supremacy. The power in the name of your beloved Son Jesus Christ my Lord. I maybe afraid, I may be weak I believe in your saving grace and power. Jesus Christ my Master, Lord I trust in you. . I believe in you, you are my LORD, my heart did not ask 'Who can this be? in my life storm. I only ask you Lord, give me strength to hold on to you. Trusting your saving power. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for loving me.
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