Father in heaven, Your Son Jesus Christ showed his love for you by serving his brothers and sisters in need. I now ask you to give me your help I serve you and your people Open my mouth to praise you in word and song. Open my ears to hear your word. Open my hand to do your work well. Take from me all evil and distracting thoughts. Help me to know what I should do and do it well. Help me to serve reverently at your Holy Altar and give you praise and glory now and for ever. Amen.
I the
Lord, shall create deliverance
Apart from me, all is nothing.
I am the Lord, unrivalled,
I form the light and create
the dark.
I make good fortune and create
calamity, it is I, the Lord,
who do all
Send victory like a dew, you
heavens, and let the clouds rain it
Let the earth open for salvation to spring up.
Let deliverance, too, bud
forth which I, the Lord, shall
Yes, thus says the Lord, creator of the heavens, who is God,
who formed the earth and made
it, who set it firm,
created it no chaos, but a place to be lived in:
‘I am the Lord, unrivalled: there is no other
god besides me.
A God of integrity
and a saviour: there is none
apart from me.
Turn to me and be
saved, all the ends of
the earth,
for I am God
unrivalled. Isaiah 45:6-8,18,21-25
Send victory like a dew,
you heavens, and let the clouds rain it down
'Are you the one who is to come?'
John, summoning two of his disciples, sent them to the Lord to ask, ‘Are
you the one who is to come, or must we wait for someone else?’ When the men
reached Jesus they said, ‘John the Baptist has sent us to you, to ask, “Are you
the one who is to come or have we to wait for someone else?”’ It was just then
that he cured many people of diseases and afflictions and of evil spirits, and
gave the gift of sight to many who were blind. Then he gave the messengers
their answer, ‘Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind
see again, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are
raised to life, the Good News is proclaimed to the poor and happy is the man
who does not lose faith in me' Christmas Carol Changed by the transforming power of Jesus Christ
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