His mother and brothers now arrived and, standing outside, sent in a
message asking for him. A crowd was sitting round him at the time
the message was passed to him, 'Your mothers and brothers and sisters
are outside asking for you'. He replied, 'Who are my mother and my
brothers?' And looking round at those sitting in a circle about him,
he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does
the will of God, that person is my brother and sister and mother.'
Mass Readings
Lectures du jour
Saint Thomas A.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your Son Jesus Christ our brother. His coming makes us members of God family. His coming set us free from bondage. Thank you loving Father for making me your child.
How lovely is your dwelling place
message asking for him. A crowd was sitting round him at the time
the message was passed to him, 'Your mothers and brothers and sisters
are outside asking for you'. He replied, 'Who are my mother and my

he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does
the will of God, that person is my brother and sister and mother.'
Mass Readings
Lectures du jour
Saint Thomas A.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your Son Jesus Christ our brother. His coming makes us members of God family. His coming set us free from bondage. Thank you loving Father for making me your child.
How lovely is your dwelling place
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