Saul took three thousands men chosen from the whole of Israel and went in search of David and his men east of the Rocks of Wild Goats. He came to the sheepfolds along the route where there was a cave, and went in to cover his feet. Now David and his men were sitting in the recesses of the cave; David's men said to him, 'Today is the day of which The Lord said to you, "I will deliver your enemy into your power, do what you like with him".
David stood up and, unobserved, cut off the border of Saul's cloak.
Afterwards David reproached himself for having cut off the border of Saul's cloak. He said to his men, "The Lord preserve me from doing such a thing to my lord and raising my hand against him, for he is anointed of The Lord'. David gave his men strict instructions, forbidding them to attach Saul
Mass Readings
Textes Liturgiques
Psalm 51
Heavenly Father, give me a heart that does not bear grudge. Help me not to feel bad whenever I am hurt by trusted friends, Family members those I trusted so much. Help me to forgive, and pray for those who hurt me.
David stood up and, unobserved, cut off the border of Saul's cloak.

Mass Readings
Textes Liturgiques
Psalm 51
Heavenly Father, give me a heart that does not bear grudge. Help me not to feel bad whenever I am hurt by trusted friends, Family members those I trusted so much. Help me to forgive, and pray for those who hurt me.
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