The promise of inheriting the world was not made to Abraham
and his descendants on account of any law but on account of the
righteousness which consist in faith.
That is why what fulfils the promise depends on faith,
so that it may be a free gift and be available to all of
Abraham's descendants, not only those who belong to
the Law but also those who belong to the faith of Abraham
who is the father of all of us. As scripture says:
I have made you the ancestor of many nations:
Abraham is our father in the eyes of God,
in whom he put his faith, and who brings the dead
to life and calls into being what does not exist...........
Loving Father I want to say thank you for your promise of inheritance. Thank you for Jesus Christ Your Son my Lord and Saviour.
My prayer Psalm 12
and his descendants on account of any law but on account of the
righteousness which consist in faith.
That is why what fulfils the promise depends on faith,
so that it may be a free gift and be available to all of
Abraham's descendants, not only those who belong to

who is the father of all of us. As scripture says:
I have made you the ancestor of many nations:
Abraham is our father in the eyes of God,
in whom he put his faith, and who brings the dead
to life and calls into being what does not exist...........
Loving Father I want to say thank you for your promise of inheritance. Thank you for Jesus Christ Your Son my Lord and Saviour.
My prayer Psalm 12
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