Now the snake was the most cunning animal that the LORD God had made.
The snake asked the woman, "Did God really tell you not the eat fruit from
any tree in the garden"
"We may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden," the woman answered,
except the tree in the middle of it. God told us not to touch it; if we do,
we will die"
The snake replied, "That's not true; you will not die. God said that,
because he knows that when you eat it you will be like God and know
what is good and what is bad... That evening they heard the LORD God
walking in the garden, and they hid from him among the trees ... Gen 3:1-8
Psalm 51
The snake asked the woman, "Did God really tell you not the eat fruit from

"We may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden," the woman answered,
except the tree in the middle of it. God told us not to touch it; if we do,
we will die"
The snake replied, "That's not true; you will not die. God said that,
because he knows that when you eat it you will be like God and know
what is good and what is bad... That evening they heard the LORD God
walking in the garden, and they hid from him among the trees ... Gen 3:1-8
Psalm 51
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