For Those Who Think
Lord for those who think they can succeed without you.
Can one ever think that he/she exist for himself
without the aid of God?
Father you are ever present whenever we call,
even when we do not.
Father you are with us always.
We make our plans, they come through,
We do not struggle for your favour,
yet you grant us your favours.
Father do we appreciate you,
and thank you for your providence?
Father do we say thank you for your love,
guidance, protection and mercy?
Father can we say thank you for
your watchful eyes over us?
For all your goodness and love,
Father most times we think they
are achieved through our efforts, and ingenuity.
Father for those who think that it is by their
power, skills, and wisdom, they are successful.
Father for those who think it is by their efforts,
they succeed in all their endeavors.
For I know Heavenly Father my God
that without you to guide, nothing makes sense;
senseless, emptiness, restless, faithless,
powerless, helpless, we stand before you,
and meaningless our lives are.
For those who think.
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