Saint Irenaeus 28th June 2016
Today is the solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul two great apostles. Peter was chosen by the Lord to be the leader of the Church. He was given the task to preach the Gospel especially among the Jewish people, while Paul was a chosen instrument of God to bring the Good News to the whole world. In their conversion, both men experienced the compassion of forgiveness of the Lord. They handed over the message of life to us.
Saint Irenaeus 28th June 2016

Rejoice with me, and be glad, for I have taken my place with all the
saints in the kingdom of light.
Prayer of the Church
We praise you, O Lord, our Saviour, inspiration and example for every
martyr, for loving us to the end.
For entrusting to your Church the blood of the new and everlasting
covenant poured out for the remission of sins
The martyrs fixed their eyes on heaven, and cried out in their torments:
Come, Lord, be with us in the
Your martyrs freely embraced death in bearing witness to the faith,
give us a faith, O Lord, that is constant and pure.
Your martyrs washed their garments in the blood of the Lamb,
help us to avoid the weaknesses of the flesh and worldly allurements.
Lord, who may abide in your tent, and dwell on your
holy mountain.
He who walks without fault; who does what is
righteous, and speaks the truth from his heart; who does not slander with his
tongue, who does no wrong to a neighbour, who casts no slur on a friend, who
looks with scorn on the wicked, but honours those who fear the Lord.
Who keeps an oath, whatever the cost, who lends no
money at interest, and accepts no bribes against the innocent.
He who does these things shall never be shaken. psalm from the Holy Bible
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