As we celebrate and offer our daily offerings in our daily Mass on God's Altar in remembrance of Christ Sacrifice, may God destroy every evil altar in our homes, families and lives.

Tuesday 14 June 2016


My Thought

In our normal state, except with the divine grace of God, we can never understand the weaknesses of others because God’s grace is with us to protect and shield us from temptation (preservation from God).

This we must not take for granted. We must ask God to protect us from a judgmental spirit, a spirit of self-righteousness and pride.  He alone can protect us from these destructive evils.

We bear the consequences of our actions or other people’s actions due to their evil tendency which makes us victims and their prey.  In the course of every event of our lives, we need the divine guidance, and protection of God.

 When we focus on God in our challenges and sufferings, we are strengthened.  We gain more wisdom and become better persons.  We are not hardened we are given hearts of flesh so that we can be of help to others who may need our help, our support, our comfort’ etc.

A Christian should not run away from problems.  What we need to do is to ask God to give us the strength, the wisdom to confront these challenges and come out of them victoriously to the honour and glory of HIS name  We know we are in spiritual   and physical warfare. This is a fact.  The beauty is that we have Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, our hope  and our assurance.  He said ‘Do not Fear’.         (God will Never Abandon Us)                                                   
by hing
my God accept my heart this day

          A Prayer for Guidance and Protection

 To you, O Lord, I offer my prayer.
In you, my God, I trust.
Save me from the shame of defeat;
don’t let my enemies gloat over me.
Defeat does not come to those who trust in you.
but to those who are quick to rebel against you.
Teach me your ways, O Lord,
make them known to me.
Teach me to live according to your truth,
for you are my God who saves me.
I always trust in you …….

                                                                                                                                     Psalm 25
 God is with us always

The Simplicity of a Child

                                         Lord Jesus I stretch out my little hand to touch you.

When I touch flowers created by God.
I feel so much joy in my heart.

I give reverence to God.
I thank you Jesus for I know in my heart you are nearby.

As I delight in its beauty with a smile on my lips,
I know you are smiling with me,
that you share in my joy.

Thank you, Jesus, for sharing this wonderful moment with me.

                                                                                    by HING

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