

Praise the Lord.  Happy is the person who honours the Lord, who takes pleasure in obeying his commands. The good man's children will will be powerful in the land; his descendants will be blessed. His family will be wealthy and rich, and he will be prosperous for ever. Light shines in the darkness for the good people, for those who are merciful, kind, and just. Happy is the person who is generous with his loans, who runs his business honestly. A good person will never fail; he will always be remembered. He is not afraid of receiving bad news; his faith is strong, and he trusts in the Lord....  Psalm 112


I will establish my people in  the land and make them prosper. I will show love to those who were called unloved, and to those who were called 'Not my People'. I will say, "Your are my People", and they will answer, "You are our God". Prayer : Lord God, king of heaven and earth, direct our minds and bodies throughout this day, and make us holy.  Keep us faithful to your law in thought, word and deed.  Be our helper now and always, free us from sin, and bring us to salvation in that kingdom where you live and reign with the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.                                                                                 Pauline Prayer of the Church


A NOTE TO MY BROTHER Dearest brother, I see you and I remember your beautiful smile. I remember your words of encouragement and prayers. I remember your understanding of the scripture dearest brother. I have you staring at me, smiling with me, the beautiful buttons on your cheeks that we call dimples. I remember you as one who always have beautiful word to say. Dearest brother, as I write this little note to you in your memory, I feel you standing beside me looking at the beautiful words I made for you. Dearest brother.       In remembrance of Isioma F. E. May the souls of your departed loved ones rest in peace Psalm 23


May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him.   May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call, what are the riches of glory in his inheritance among the holy ones.   Eph. 1:17-18     Prayer: ALL SAINTS O God, source of all that is holy, you have let your holiness shine in many marvellous ways through the lives of your saints, help us to celebrate your greatness in them. The lives of your saints have given testimony of your Son, through their example may we draw closer to him. King of heaven, through your saints you have given us the courage to follow after your Son, help us to imitate the example of the saints who show us the way to Christ. Father, in the Eucharistic sacrifice you unite us more fully with those who now live in your kingdom, by our frequent sharing in the body and blood of your Son bring us to the com